Monday, October 4, 2010

Children Are A Treasure

Fathers, it has been said, 'Love your children by loving their mother.'

For married people today who are constantly fighting and criticizing each other,  do you stop and think what this is doing to your children?  If you are contemplating divorce, do you realize what the immediate effects will be on your children?  Do you have any idea of what the long-term consequences will be for them?

Like I did, many people try to justify splitting up a family with young children involved by reasoning, "Oh, they are so young... they don't understand what's going on."

Yes they do.

How do you treat each other in front of your children?   Children are extremely sensitive and observant.  They pick up on everything... much more than we realize.  When daddy and mommy are fighting, it shatters their entire sense of well-being. How we treat each other in front of our children has a huge impact on themboth positive and negative. They will do what they see you doing.

Love your children by loving each other.

God is Love and Love Never Fails.

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