Saturday, March 17, 2012

Amazing Love

Whenever I find myself strugglingdepressed, and disillusioned with my life, eventually, I am reminded that it was because I took my eyes off of Christ and instead, am focused on some crappy circumstances that I am temporarily suffering through.

What I keep forgetting, is that the crappy circumstances of this life are just thattemporary.

This always happens when I forget to be thankful for what I do have and for what God has done for me. 

The secret to experiencing true joy is all about remembering what Jesus did for me on the Cross and then constantly have an attitude of gratitudethanking Him for what He diddespite my current circumstances.

I'm glad that we take communion on a regular basis at our church because I need to be reminded of what Jesus did by sacrificing Himself for me, because of God's amazing love for this lost world.

As I've said many times before, the root cause of most of our depression is due to an inordinate self-focus. So, take your eyes off yourself and your problems and set your heart on the risen Lord, Who loved you and gave Himself for you.

Last night I started reading a book on worship.  And unfortunately, like so many books on the topic, it's more of a "how to" book about methods or a prescription, than it is about the Person of Christ.

Worship is not about "how"it's about Who.

It's all about Jesus.

The words from the following song always put worship in the right perspective:

"I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken.
I'm accepted, You were condemned.
And I'm alive and well, Your Spirit lives within me,
Because You died and rose again.

Amazing love, how can it be,
That You, my King would die for me?
Amazing love, I know it's true,
And it's my joy to honor You,
In all I do, I honor You.

Jesus You... are my King."

Listen to this amazing song here:

How can that be?

Jesus said:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." - (John 3:16-17)

Remember Jesus today—what He did on the Cross for you—and then love Him enough to thank Him for it.

And then in all that you do, seek to honor Christ because you love Him.

     —Blessings to you.

God is Love, and Love Never Fails.

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