Monday, December 29, 2014

Lead From the Front

“It happened in the spring of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the people of Ammon and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem...” (2 Samuel 11:1)

Most everyone who has ever read a Bible, or been to church, knows something about the story of David and Bathsheba.

King David is on his housetop getting some fresh air late one evening, when he sees a beautiful woman bathing on the housetop across the way. He intensely desires the woman, and sends his servants to bring her to him so he can 'have' her. 

Only problem was, she was already married to one of his faithful soldiers; Urriah, who was where he was supposed to beout battling king David's enemies.

The story only gets worse. David gets Bathsheba pregnant. And in an attempt to try and hide his wicked sin, he has Urriah killed by sending him into the most dangerous part of the battle. Out of sight, out of mind. Or so he thinks...

And isn't that when we also get into the most trouble?

When we are somewhere where we know we are not supposed to be.

Had David been the King and leader he was supposed to be, he would have been out leading his troops in battlenot at home looking at a naked woman from the discreet comfort of his palatial housetop.

In the bible passage quoted we see where David set himself up to fall:  

"It happened in the spring of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle..."

It was spring time; the time of year when kings went out to battle. Not a time to be at home eating grapes, while your soldiers and commanders were out giving their lives in battle, to protect your precious kingdom. 

And while I know it is only speculation on my part, as the biblical text does not specifically state it, my guess is that David had seen this woman bathing on her housetop before. And he most likely stayed at home because he wanted to get another eyeful of her bathing. Or worse, he had been scheming a way to have another man's wife...while her husband was away at war.

I pray we all let the truths of this biblical account of David and Bathsheba sink into our hearts and let the Holy Spirit reveal areas in our own minds and lives where we are likely headed for a fall.

Lead From the Front.

1.  Be where you're supposed to be.

If you know sin lies down that street, don't go down there. 

Speaking as a husband and father to other husbands and fathers; if your loving wife has dinner waiting for you at home, don't stop off at the bar for a drink, where you know single women are always present, looking for some action.

You should be at home, loving your wife and helping her in any way she needs help, spending time being a Dad to your children. When's the last time you read the Bible to your kids? Played catch with your son? Told your daughter how special she is and how much you love her? Took your wife out on a romantic date night? Or made her breakfast? Be where you're supposed to be. 

2.  Be who God made you to be.

First and foremost, your first and most holy 'calling' before God is to be a husband and a father, if that is what God has given you to be faithful over.  Not your job, and not even duties at your church. When you stand before God at the judgment seat of Christ, you will give Him an account of what kind of husband and father you were. Everything else comes after that.

Has God placed people in your life who need love, encouragement and discipleship? Then be faithful to do that, as God provides and leads. Has He given you the gift of playing an instrument? Then be faithful to use that gift to worship Him. Has He gifted you to teach the Bible? Teach kids? Show mercy? Has He given you the ability to be a leader or administrator? Then use the gifts He has given you to the extent of your gifting. Be faithful.

3.  Be content with where God has you right now.

If God has you selling shoes part time, don't be looking for a way out of the 'fix' you're in. God probably has you there for a reason... for His purpose. The Bible says:

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.” (Psalm 37:23)

God has foreordained, or 'ordered' our steps. 

Knowing our choices and the paths we will choose in life, He arranges circumstances in our lives to bring us closer to Him and accomplish His will. We usually fail to see it or acknowledge it. But He is control, not us. Do you need to be humbled? Then trust me, He will put you in a situation that will bring you to your knees to where you will bow to Him and cry out to Him. He has done that with me many times in my Christian life. And I will be eternally grateful to God that He did so.

Jesus taught that we must be faithful to do the few things He has given us to do. When He is satisfied that we have been faithful over those few things, then He may decide to give us more to do. But we must first learn to be content with where He has us, and what He has us doing right now.

4.  Be faithful to love Him who saved you and called you.

Jesus said the first and greatest commandment is:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30)

Loving Jesus means to keep all of His commandments (See John 14:21). 

Loving someone means to be faithful. And hopefully you do so because you love them, and you want to be faithful to them. Not because you're commanded to do so. I am faithful to my wife because I love her. And I should that much more be faithful to God who loved me first and gave Himself for me. True love is faithful and obedient. And God deserves all of our heart, all of the time.

Jesus led from the front.  

He didn't sit back in a comfortable palace, commanding His servants to go and do what He was not willing to do. He led by example. Forgive those who curse you and spitefully use you. Love your enemies and pray for them. Give to him who has need. Clothe the naked. Feed the hungry. Help the poor. Set free those who are held captive. Show compassion and mercy to all. Speak the truth in love. Preach the Gospel. Demonstrate true love by giving your very life for the sake of others. 

Jesus said:

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." (John 15:13)

One who leads from the front is one who dies to his or her self will first. One who forgives first. One who shows mercy first. One who puts others needs ahead of his or her own.

Lead from the front.

God is Love and Love Never Fails.

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