Thursday, September 28, 2017

Husbands Love Your Wives

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her." (Ephesians 5:25)

Back in the early 1970's, I was an awkward seventh grader growing up in small town southern Oregon. What I loved most in life was fishing, camping and hunting. The outdoors. My Dad taught me to love it from my earliest memories.

One weekend while Dad was out on one of his regular fishing/camping outings, I was grounded from all fishing because I was basically flunking out of junior high. I understood that it was my fault, and not Dad's. But I was still deeply hurt by this.

Even though I was grounded from fishing, Dad never said anything about spending the night at a friend's house. So that Friday evening I asked my Mom if it would be okay if I went across the street to spend the night at my friend Tim's house. Her response totally upended me.

She started crying and said, "I'm about ready to leave you and that daddy of yours if you don't just stay home!"

This was a life changing, earth shattering moment for me.  My parents had never had a single argument on front of me all my life. Our home life seemed to me, to be perfect and ideal. Always very close and loving. We kids were definitely brats. But my parents marriage was solid. Never a question about that in my mind.

The rest of the weekend I pretty much stayed hunkered downstairs in my room. Shell-shocked. Not sure what to do or say. But I was as nice and helpful to my Mom as I could possibly be. When my Dad got home on Sunday afternoon, I pulled him aside and told him what happened. He was speechless, but he thanked me for letting him know.

My folks worked things out, and my Dad mended his ways and didn't go hunting or fishing every weekend after that. He realized that his life was way out of balance and he wasn't putting his wife first, above his own interests. The term "Deer Widows" is aptly named. Many wives feel abandoned once hunting season starts.

This is very common in marriages. 

Bottom lineselfishness is the #1 killer of relationships.

I've never forgotten the fear and heartache of that moment my Mom said she was about ready to leave me and my Dad if we didn't stay home more. It's a lesson I have tried to carry with me throughout my life as a husband. I haven't always succeeded. But I will never forget that moment.

What's your first love?

Obviously, for the follower of ChristHe should always be our first love.

But our wives better be a close second. 

Every guy has something that consumes his life as a passion; hunting, fishing, football, baseball, motorcycles, fast cars, golf, flying airplanes, making money, etc. For some it's other women or pornography. I can't begin to tell you just how destructive this is to your marriage, family, and even your own soul.

My passion for many years was fly fishing.  One year I think I went fishing 55 times. A friend told me "You fish too much!" And that summer my wife certainly let me know she felt pretty abandoned. I wounded her heart and spirit. I had forgotten the hard lesson I learned from my Dad's marital sins.

One of the most common wedding vows is "Forsaking all others..."

Guys, do you forsake all other people and interests and put your wife first in all ways? That is what we are commanded to do.  Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:25

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.”

What does that mean"and gave Himself for her?"

He died for her.

And that is what God commands us as husbands to do for our own wivesHis daughters by the way.

Die to self. 

Die to our selfishness and self-will. Die to putting ourselves first. Die to treating her like a sex object and our personal servant and maid. 

"Take up your cross and follow Me"is what Jesus commands us to do.

He carried that heavy, blood-stained cross up the long hill climb through the city of Jerusalem for one cause: To die for His loveHis Bridethe Church.

"There is no greater love than this, than a man would lay down his life for his friends."  Jesus

God is Love and Love Never Fails

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Will He Really Find Faith on the Earth?

"When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
(Luke 18:8)

Over the years I've asked myself, and others, this very pointed question:

"If you absolutely knew for certain that Jesus Christ was coming back to earth in exactly 30 days from today, what would you do differently starting right now, in how you lived your life?

However, most people are often hesitant to answer that question.

But here's a couple that I have heard:

"No, I'm not ready for Him to come back yet. I want to get married and have kids and raise a family first."


"I'd like to enjoy retirement first."

This will be a pretty short blog post. Much of what I wanted to say, I already said in my last post; "Are You Ready?" (August 31, 2017).

I don't know about you, but I feel my remaining days on this earth are few. 

Whether through natural death, or the Rapture, I have as the bible directs, "numbered my days." The time is short. And when Jesus, the Lord of Glory comes for His Church, I don't want to be out serving myself, spending my time on life's simple pleasures when there are people eternally perishing all around me. How can I?

How can I live for myself when Jesus paid the price for my sins on the Cross? How can I enjoy a selfish leisurely life when He suffered, bled and died for my iniquities? How can I focus on loving myself when He showed me by His example that there is no greater love than this, than a man would lay down his life for his friends?

All the stuff of this life; possessions, money, valuables, yard, houses, even the beautiful creation God has made, shall one day be burned up. It's all going to be firewood. (See 2 Peter 3:10-12)

So why hold onto it so tightly now?

The apostle wrote: "For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come." (Hebrews 13:14)

We as followers of Christ are called to be faithful to preach the gospel. The results are not up to us. We can't make people believe. We cant 'seal the deal.' All throughout the gospels and NT we see that some believed and some didn't, or wouldn't. It's no different today. We can't save the whole world or solve the whole world's problems. God has placed each of us in our personal sphere of influence. Bloom where He has planted you. Speak the truth in love. Help whoever you can help with the needful things. Love courageously and unselfishly. And leave the results to God.

So I'll leave it at this, what Jesus asked of us all:

"When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”

God is Love and Love Never Fails.