Sunday, February 2, 2014


“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

In ancient times, a stronghold was a walled city; created as an impenetrable fortress to keep one's enemies out.

King Nebuchadnezzar's 5th century B.C. city of Babylon was protected by a brick wall which was 56 miles long, 300 feet high, 25 feet thick, with another wall 75 feet behind the first wall, and the wall extended 35 feet below the ground. Additionally, it had 250 watch towers that were 450 feet high.

However, in the above passage from 2 Corinthians 10, Paul exhorts God's people to demolish strongholds that are not walls made of brick and mortar.

The strongholds Paul speaks of are in the mindnamely; worldly arguments, philosophies and attitudes that exalt themselves above and against the knowledge and wisdom of God.

Over the last couple of weeks, the phrase I've had heavy upon my heart and spirit is; 

"Demolish strongholds."

We know peopleparticularly some young peoplewho are in bondage in their minds, because of spiritual strongholds due to:

1.  Lies spoken from ungodly counsel.
2.  Corruption from an ungodly culture.
3.  Deception from ungodly agendas.

One stronghold symptom that hits close to homeon our college campusesis the use and abuse of a highly addictive prescription Amphetamine called Adderall. Here is what you need to know about this drug.

“Common psychological effects of therapeutic doses of Adderall can include alertness, apprehension, concentration, decreased sense of fatigue, mood swings (elevated mood or elation and euphoria followed by mild dysphoria), increased initiative, insomnia or wakefulness, self-confidence, and sociability. Less common or rare psychological effects that depend on the user's personality and current mental state include anxiety, change in libido, grandiosity, irritability, repetitive or obsessive behaviors, and restlessness.

Cardiovascular side effects can include irregular/increased heartbeat, high blood pressure, or low blood pressure. Other potential side effects include abdominal pain, acne, blurred vision, dry mouth, loss of appetite, nausea, reduced seizure threshold, and weight loss.

Recreational use of Adderall generally involves far larger doses and is therefore significantly more dangerous, involving a much greater risk of serious side effect.  Addiction is a serious risk with heavy recreational amphetamine use. Abuse of Adderall can result in a stimulant psychosis that may present with a variety of symptoms, including paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions.

Adderall is considered to have a high potential for misuse. Amphetamine salts can be crushed and snorted, or dissolved in water and injected. Injection into the bloodstream can be dangerous because insoluble fillers within the tablets can block small blood vessels.”

Someone we know is using this drug and has changed from a bright, joyful young person, into a withdrawn, depressed individual, who appears to have walked away from Christ, and now may be involved in a sexually immoral lifestyle and orientation.

What is sad about our young friend, is that they started taking Adderall after a secular counselor saw them for mild depression and their inability to concentrate, and who then prescribed them the medication. But now they are worse off than they were before taking this drug. When asked by a parent who expressed a great deal of concern over their behavior and use of Adderall, they brushed them off, saying:

"Aw, it's just a college thing."

There are high school and college kids dealing this drug on campuses today because it is so popular. 

Apparently, Adderall is very easy for young people to obtain. You get an appointment with a counselor, tell them you are depressed, and many counselors will write you a prescription for this drug. Our young friend's counselor apparently said, "Please promise me that you will not start selling this drug to your friends." This is a red flag. It's as if this so-called "counselor" already knows what a huge problem this drug is, but prescribes it anyway.

Now, since being on a diet of Adderall and ungodly counsel, the brick wall or stronghold with our young friend is, their mind is totally closed off to the truth of God's Word. They used to serve at their church with joy and enthusiasm. Now, they have stopped going to church altogether. And they glibly justify the use (abuse) of this dangerous drug as "Just a college thing."

Note: An Adder is a deadly, venomous snake, or serpent, both in the Bible and in the English dictionary. Consequently, Adderall is a dangerous drug destroying the lives of many young people today. Interesting coincidence, wouldn't you say?

The serpentthe devilonly comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. (See John 10:10). But Jesus came that we might have life in Him, and that means truly abundant life and peace. And we as Christ's followers have divine powermighty in Godfor the pulling down and demolishing of Satan's strongholds. 

Many people, both young and old, are in chainsin bondageto the enemy of their souls, to whom they have given a foothold in their life. And once this diabolical enemy gets in, he can quickly turn a foothold into a spiritual stronghold, as he has with our young friend.

Our divine weapons to fight this satanic enemy are Love, Prayer, and the Word of God.

And we cannot remain silent.

If you know someone who is slipping away from God and from their family, and who is giving the enemy a foothold into their mind, get a hold of them, in Love, and shake them out of their slumber, however you can. Don't let them get so far gone that the devil has established a firm stronghold in their mind. It can be very difficult to pull a person back into the light, once they have slipped into the darkness of Satan's deceptions and snares. 

Whatever you do, don't give up.

Keep praying for them, and don't stop. Keep reaching out to them , speaking God's Word to them. 

Love them back to Jesus. 

God is Love and Love Never Fails.

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