Sunday, April 15, 2012

You Are Not Alone

"There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ."

Philosopher Blaise Pascal, penned this statement of truth over 400 years ago, and yet, it still rings profoundly true today.

Loneliness, without a doubt, is the most painful emotion we experience in this life. It has been said that babies can die from lack of touching. Marriages wither and die from a lack of emotional and physical intimacy. Lonely people all over the world desperately try to numb their pain and fill up the empty spaces in their aching hearts with hedonistic pleasures, wealth, entertainment, narcotics, food, alcohol, material things, and often times, with very bad relationships.

As the song says, "Looking for love in all the wrong places."

We often go to great lengths to escape our loneliness.  

Anything to dull the pain.

As I think back over the course of my life, the road is filled with monuments of the countless times I tried to fill up the lonely spaces in my own heart with other things and other people, only to discover in the aftermath, that my choices made in desperation left me feeling empty and even more lonely. Sadly, I also left a wake of emotional destruction in other people's lives.

I'm convinced that God, in His mercy, allowed me to go through my decades of loneliness and disappointment because that was the only way that I would see that the temporary things of this life can never truly satisfy me. I had to experience the truth that I have this God-shaped vacuum in my heart that can only be filled by Christ.

What about you?

Do you ache with loneliness and you are trying to fill up the empty spaces in your heart, but no matter what you try, you only feel more empty and alone?

Friend, I can truly tell you that God has filled those empty spaces in my own heart with His joy and peace. The emptiness and loneliness I experienced for the first 33 years of my life has been replaced with a hope and assurance that I have been set in an everlasting family whose Father is God. I have friends now who would literally take a bullet for me. My marriage has been healed and made new by the power of the love and forgiveness of God.

And that love and forgiveness of God is freely available to every person on this planet. You too can freely receive it through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

For me, I had to come to the end of my rope to see that nothing this world has to offer can ever satisfy.

Before I came to know God through Jesus Christ the Savior in 1993, I left my wife and traveled halfway around the world trying to 'find myself.'  The problem was, once I found myself, I didn't like what I found.

For my entire testimony please read "Our Story." 

All I can do is share what I have personally experienced. It is real, not just some words in an old black book. 

God the Heavenly Father loves you and He is alive and present, and He has openly revealed Himself to humanity through His Son Jesus Christ.

But to know Him, you have to invite Him into your heart.

Jesus said:

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into Him and dine with him, and he with Me." - (Revelation 3:20)

God is knocking on the door of your heart, personally calling you by name.  But He will not kick the door down and force Himself on you.  You have to choose to open the door of your heart from the inside and invite Him to come in.

I can truly share with you that it is the most important decision that you will ever make.

And if you invited Christ to be your Savior once, but you haven't been talking with Him lately, He is also knocking on the door of your heart.  He wants to come in and dine with you.

Just call out to Jesus.  Talk to Him and share your heart with Him.

He loves you with an everlasting love.

     —Blessings to you.

God is Love, and Love Never Fails.

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