Monday, January 10, 2011

All Who Are Thirsty


Are you at the end of your rope?

If your life, or your marriage, is dried up like a parched desert, there is a way...a source... of life-giving, times of refreshingif you are willing to come to the water and drink.

I was singing this song on Sunday morning when I was feeling pretty dry:

All who are thirsty
All who are weak
Come to the fountain
Dip your heart in the stream of life

Let the pain and the sorrow
Be washed away
In the waves of His mercy
As deep cries out to deep

Come Lord Jesus, come...

Do you remember those old movies where they show a lost man crawling through the Sahara desert, and he is dying of thirst, but then he sees this beautiful oasis in the distancewith beautiful shady palm trees and a spring of water?

And then, desperately the man crawls toward toward the oasis...only to find that it was just a illusion, and the 'oasis' turns out to be just more hot, dry sand.

How many times in our life do we crawl toward such an oasis? Only to find that it is a illusion that doesn't really satisfy us or quench our thirst at all.

I know a lot of people who are going through intense times of dryness in their lives and marriages right now.  And yet, even though so many know the source of life...of times of refreshing... they will not come to the water and drink.

If you feel like that dying man today, crawling through a Sahara desert in your life, or in your marriage, the only way that you can quench your thirst, is to come to the Source of Living Water, and drink of the life that He offers.

But no one can do it for you. 

You have to choose to push everything else aside, and the Source of life, joy and peace.

Jesus said:

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink."  (John 7:37)

We tend to look to things or, to other people, as our source of life or happiness.  But in doing so, we put those people on a pedestal that they cannot begin to stand on.  We force our unrealistic expectations onto other people who are weak and imperfect just like us, and they can never fill the broken and empty places in our hearts, that only Jesus can fill.

In fact, when we place our ultimate need for happiness and fulfillment onto another imperfect person, we force them into a mold that they were never meant to fill... nor can they ever fill.

And the result will often be that we will eventually drive away the very person that we just wanted to love us.

If you are at the end of your rope today,  run to Jesus and hold on tightly to Him.  Only He can give you the life that you so desperately want and need.

Go to the sourcecome to Jesus.

God is Love and Love Never Fails.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mark. Its been awful weekend and Monday doesnt look any better. I needed to hear this.
