Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Throughout the ever-changing seasons of marriage, it is essential to remind ourselves that we made a commitment—to our spouse of course. But for those who are followers of Christ, we made a commitment and a covenant with God that our marriage is for life. It is a binding covenant or literally, a contract.

For many today however, although they made their vows at the wedding ceremony, promising to love, honor and cherish one another in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, for better and for worse.  

What they really meant, when the rubber meets the road, was it was only for richer, better and in good health.

Sadly, when the going gets tough... many people just go.

How can this be?

How can someone who made a solemn vow before God to love you and be your spouse until 'death do us part' now want to throw you out like yesterday's garbage and take you for everything you have?

It ought not to be.

Having personally caused and gone through years of the 'crazy cycle' that leads to divorce however, I am not without compassion.   Yes, God hates divorce.   But He still loves divorced people.  And I am thankful that He does.  I too went through a devastating divorce when I was just a young man. God will never stop loving us.

So, the question is not if God loves us or not.  Of course He does. 

The question today is, do we love God enough to keep the commitment we made in marriage—first with Him and with our spouse?

Commitment is not about legalism.  It's about love.   Jesus said:

"He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me." (John 14:21)

Jesus demonstrated His love and commitment for us by hanging on a cross.

We need to ask ourselves, do we truly love Him enough to hang in there and keep our commitment in our marriage during the difficult trials and storms of this life?

That's what it really all comes down to.

The great news is that when we make the choice to keep our commitment in the covenant of marriage, God will help us to love our spouse unconditionally, in His strength.  He will help us to change as we seek Him and ask Him to change us. We are not in this alone.

—God is Love and Love Never Fails.

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