Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our Very Present Help in Time of Need

 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
(Psalm 147:3)

As I drove west, across the rain-soaked farmlands, on my way to a day of fishing in the desert, I noticed a small flock of sheep out my right side car window. And one little ewe lamb was walking with a very pronounced limpa grimace of pain in her eyes. But just as striking, was the larger sheep just to her left side and slightly behind her. I got the strong impression that he was caring for her... watching over her.

He had her back.

I was so moved by this that I got tears in my eyes and felt compassion for that little lamb. And I had to call my wife immediately and tell her about the lamb and the larger sheep watching out for her, and how much I loved her. My wife loves all animals, but especially sheep and little lambs. 

We had a tender moment on the phone. 

She said, "I'm the little sheep with the broken leg."

I said, "I have your back honey."

This is the beauty of how Jesus made the Body of ChristHis eternal family.

Certainly, this kind of loving care for one another directly applies to all married couples. 

But not just to married people. 

This is the kind of love and care we should all have for one another. We are to come alongside one another, and care for each other, and bear one another's burdens. (Galatians 6:2)

I heard a story several years ago about a little girl who was afraid of the dark and wanted to get in bed with her mother. 

Her mother said, "Honey, you need to go back to bed and just pray to Jesus and He will take away your fear." 

The little girl said, "Mommy, I know that. But tonight, I need Jesus with skin on."

That's what we, as the Body of Christ, are to be for one anotherJesus with skin on.

God can absolutely heal all sickness, disease and injuries.

But, in my experience, more times than not, He instead chooses to bring His people alongside those with sickness, disease and injuries, and calls us to bind up their wounds, comfort them, and just love them.

He sends us to nursing homes to comfort an aging man or woman who lost their spouse, and now lies there alone, desperately in need of someone to spend time with them, bringing God's love, mercy and comfort to them in their time of need.

He calls us to love, support and care for orphans in the slums of India, where children with Aids have lost their parents to Aids, and due to the cruel Caste System there, they are outcast and left to die on the streets because no one wants them. They are labeled "untouchable."

He sends us to befriend and comfort people who have gone through a painful divorce and just need someone to encourage them and be a good listener. 

We are to rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

To be Jesus with skin on to people.

That is how God can be a very present help in people's time of need. 

He has the Body of ChristHis Churchspread across the entire  planet, called to be available to help those who need His help, loving those who need His love.

And sometimes, all we need to be is available. 

We don't need to be a Pastor or a super-anointed Bible teacher. We just need to be available to love the hurting people who God places in our lives.

A dear friend of mine shared the following truth with me a few years ago:

"God does not call us based on our abilityHe calls us based on our availability."

I have never forgotten that.

And if you feel that you are not properly equipped to minister to hurting people in this way, my friend also encouraged me with another profound truth:

"God does not call the equippedHe equips the called."

None of us come naturally equipped to be Jesus with skin on to anyone. We are born sinners. With men, this God-kind-of-love is impossible. 

But with God, all things are possible.

Jesus said, 

"Without Meyou can do nothing."

When we, in our absolute weakness, take the step of faith to call on Jesus to give us His love, compassion and strength, to reach and minister to those with needs that far exceed our ability to help them, He will empower and enable us to do great things.

God alone is able.

All He calls us to be is avail-able.

Are you available?

God is Love, and Love Never Fails.

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