Sunday, August 18, 2024

Prince of the Power of the Air


“And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:1-2).

One of Satan’s biblical titles is the “prince of the power of the air.”

What does that mean exactly? The power of the air?
I’ve been pondering this for a while and I started thinking about Wi-Fi and the Internet. What is Wi-Fi?

“A Wi-Fi signal connects your devices to the internet. It works through a frequency range (2.4GHz or 5GHz) that travels through the air.”

And while one can use the Internet for a lot of good, a lot of evil things are committed through the Internet and Wi-Fi and are lurking in millions of Internet websites. And I believe Satan is the author of all the evil that is in the world and being used to harm people through the Internet.

The global porn industry is estimated to be worth over $97 billion. 64% of young people ages 13-24 actively seek out pornography weekly or more often. And it’s not limited to just young people. And men and women alike use it.

Not to mention the dark web. Drug deals and human trafficking are part of that demonic industry tool.

So think about who profits through all of this ultimately—the enemy of our souls; Satan.
Consider the millions of lives damaged or ruined because of evil on the web. 

Be on guard. Watch your back and not just your own but your children as well.
The enemy of our souls is everywhere in the world and the world system and culture.
Guard your heart.
—God is Love and Love Never Fails 


Monday, September 26, 2022

A Walk With My Father

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way”, (Psalm 37:23).   

One of the greatest joys of my adult life is God helping me become a writer and publish my own books.
Please check out my Author Page at:
I'm blessed to announce my latest book, A Walk With My Father, just published in paperback and Kindle this last month. A hard cover version will be available soon as well.

The new book is a sequel of sorts to the first book; A Letter From My Father. But it's more of an autobiography. Not quite as theological in approach, but the Gospel is woven in and throughout. Truly, without being saved by Jesus Christ, I'd not have anything worthwhile to write about.

It's been a fascinating journey to look back on all the years and events of my life and see how God has intervened, shaped, corrected, disciplined, blessed and directed me. He orders the steps of a mans life and directs his pathsmiraculously and sometimes mysteriouslyusing all manner of consequences, situations and other people to accomplish those goals.

As followers of Christ, we all have a God story to tell; this new book is mine.

Whether you choose to tell your God story through song, through books or blog, or sharing with a co-worker, or passerby in a coffee shopplease share your story with people. It can have eternal weight and consequences for others.
Some of the short stories in the book are childhood memories of adventures I had growing up with my family and my best friend in the southern Oregon outback. Others, of times spent with the good friends God placed in my adult life. Much of the rest of the book is a re-telling of the events as well as the blessings and hard lessons learned from childhood, through marriage and divorce. And through the bumps, twists and turns we all go through in this short life on earth.

My hope is my story will offer encouragement to those who are enduring many of the same struggles I've endured, and, at the very least, offer some precious nuggets of wisdom and insight.



A Walk With My Father

Other books by Mark Faulkner

     A Letter From My Father
         The Gathering Storm
To order my books on Amazon please check out my Author Page: